Friday, September 30, 2011

Miles Ryan Burton

Our bean sprouted into a 6lb 4oz, 18inch long beautiful baby boy Tuesday, 9/27 at 9:27pm! The labor was labor, nothing crazy and no complications. The St. Luke's nurses and the Baylor docs and residents were absolutely amazing with great senses of humor. We actually had a blast joking around with everyone through the whole process. Ryan was absolutely amazing and my rock the entire time. I'll post the entire story sometime this weekend or early next week.

Love this face.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

39 weeks

This is what BB looks like at 39 weeks.

This is what an Amazon delivery of diapers look like when mailmen throw packages over the fence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I've always been a fan of the 80s

Thank you, for this.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Could we be any more spoiled???

I mean really. A couple of weeks after an amazing first shower, my wonderful coworkers threw me a fantastic work shower. We had a great turnout and I regret that I did not take more pics! In fact, this was the only one that we got. We got some great stuff and Sara (far right) made some amazing cookies and cupcakes that I stuffed my face on.

Then, the next day, (from left to right) Aunts Jan, Karen, Kathy, and Amy threw together a fantastic shower for all the folks on those sides of my family. It was so great to see everyone and again, we were overwhelmed with amazing gifts for BB. Val and Christy drove down from Dallas, Jenn and sweet baby Sophie were in town from Japan, and the Burtons came down from El Paso!

After it was all said and done with, we had quite a bit of laundry, sorting, organizing, and fun playing with all BB's new stuff. It wore Zap out.